I think that when we think about the answer to this question instead of merely the how’s, we actually make strides in defeating Satan further. Spiritual warfare is such a real thing that a lot of Christians would rather sweep under the rug and not think about. But what we need to realize is the enemy is very real and his tactics are well thought out. The weapons he uses are cunning; the lies he plants in our hearts take deep roots and are convincing. He knows how you tick, he knows what buttons to push and how to push them, and he knows how to tempt you. And what is the common word used in all of those ploys he uses? How.
It is very important to know how Satan attacks us. It helps us to recognize what is an attack. Awareness is so crucial for Christians who don’t want to be thwarted by the enemy’s tactics. Once we are aware of how he attacks, it allows us to be able to combat them. This is one of the weapons we can use to fight those attacks off. Awareness is the first step in commanding Satan under our feet.
One thing that is always left out in combating this spiritual warfare is the “why” question. Why would Satan attack you? Why would he use those certain tactics to attack you? Why would he attack you in a certain place, situation, around certain people, doing certain tasks? When you can apply these answers to your Christian walk, Satan is already under your feet. It is crucial to understand this to succeed in combating spiritual warfare. God has a plan for your life- a specific, beautiful, well thought out, intricate story in which He will use you and the gifts and talents He’s given you for His Kingdom and His glory.
This is the beautiful picture of your purpose in life. This is the reason Satan has to attack you! When you are making strides in His Kingdom, when you are in recovery, when you have had success, when you follow Jesus- the enemy attacks. When God’s hand moves, the enemy lies in wait to destroy, discourage, and steer you away. When we are making ourselves better and trying to stay on the right path (and most Christians can attest to this) Satan comes around to steal our joy and make us stumble. He attacks our families, our spouses, and our churches. When God is working, the enemy has to try to combat it. But the best part is we have the power to defeat him. We just have to choose to.
One of the best ways I’ve learn to combat the enemy is to call out the lies. Satan places lies in our minds he convinces us is truth. They come in many shapes and sizes. In my life, he told me I was worthless; that I could never come back from the past I had. He told me no one would forgive me. He told me that if I chose to tell people about my past they would think I was weird or disgusting- that there was no one like me.
And do you know what those lies did to me? They petrified me. They completely stagnated my walk with Christ. They made me hate to wear dresses or look in the mirror. They made me tell the people I love lies. They made me hide. They made me feel alone. They made me stumble and make bad choices. They put me in a funk that hindered my walk with Christ and put a divide in the Godly relationships I had formed with the people around me. Satan had me right where he wanted me: rooted and sunk deep into his vat of lies.
But then, Godly Christian women spoke truth and life into me! I am a daughter of the King. I am not my past. There are people like me who got help and have incredible testimonies. I am beautiful and loved. There is freedom in being transparent and open with brothers and sisters in Christ. And most importantly, Jesus forgave me and was offering me freedom, all I had to do was take it.
And I did take it. I freed myself of the bondage of Satan’s lies in Jesus’ precious Name. I was given the weapons to combat his lies and shame. I am no longer that girl anymore; I am free! All of this happened because I combated the lies. But one thing that helps me to do so is to remember why he attacks me from now on. Satan attacks me in an attempt to put me back in the place he had me before. He attacks me to hinder my walk, to stop what I’m doing with the talents Christ has given me. The enemy attacks me because he knows I am a threat to him and all of hell because of the Power of Christ in me. I command Satan under my feet. And you can too.
Remember, no matter who you are, if the Holy Spirit lives within you, you are a son or daughter of the One True King. You too can command Satan under your feet. You too can combat the lies. Satan only attacks us because he knows our potential and the possibility of what our future endeavors for Christ can hold. We are not attacked because of our past, we are attacked for the potentials of our futures. And honestly, I would rather be put on the enemy’s hit list because of my constant faith and devotion to Christ than be ignored because I am no threat to his worldly conquest. Take heart, brothers and sisters: remember, we have already won.
Spiritual warfare is a battle we must fight. And at one point, I thought I was fighting it. But then I realized the lies I had sat in had corroded the armor I had once put on to combat Satan. And because I know the “how’s” and “why’s” of the enemy’s tactics, I’ve been given new armor to trample him with. I am so thankful to my precious Jesus for the power I have in Him to do so.
Jesus has overcome, and therefore we have the power to, as well.
Romans 16:20