I’m offended. Why am I offended? Because I don’t like what you say. I disagree with you, therefore, anything you say, I am offended by. I am offended by words. I am offended that you use certain words. I am offended by flags. I am offended that you fly such flags. I’m offended by your religion. I am offended that you have a certain religion or belief system.
Annoyed yet?
Everyone is so offended by everything. I think that people are trying to find things to be mad about these days. We have to tip-toe around everything and everyone so that no one’s feelings get hurt. I am amazed by how people have thrown such a fit over everything and how now, because of those things, I can’t seem to find much of anything that doesn’t offend at least somebody. So you know what?
Forget it. Because you know what else is offensive? The gospel. And if anyone expects me to tip-toe around that, I will not. See, everyone is so worried about offending people that they are losing sight of what truly matters. I’m not here to appease people by sugar-coating every word that exits my mouth. No, we are called to speak truth. Our speech is to be seasoned with salt, it is supposed to reflect the love of Christ.
How many Christians do you know that are so afraid they are going to offend somebody that they never tell a soul about Jesus? How many of us are guilty in this finger-pointing world that we would rather be comfortable than speak the truth of the gospel? Even I am guilty, and I hate admitting things like that. Today we are so afraid to step on toes to tell people they’re wrong, to speak the name of Jesus- so much so that we would rather say, “You know what, God? Not today.”
Not today? Not tomorrow? Then when, brothers and sisters? I assure you things will never get any easier. People will still be offended by everything tomorrow and the next day. The gospel was offensive in Jesus’ time and it still is today. I pray we would make a stand for what is right. I pray we wouldn’t condone sin. I pray we remind brothers and sisters that lifestyles of sin are dangerous. I pray we examine the fruit of our fellow Christians so we may hold each other accountable. And I pray the Kingdom of God is more important to each of us than hurting someone’s feelings.
So what will it be? Comfort zones and conforming to the politically-correct guidelines put in place by this world? Or will you stand up for what is right? Regardless of your stance, you will, one day, be held accountable for your actions whether they be good or bad. As for me, I won’t stand by. I am called to a much higher standard than my comfort zone. My goal is not to offend but to display and speak truth.
I am not ashamed of the gospel. Are you?